Tutorial: Real Time GPS / GSM Tracker in Arduino
Video: Description: This is a tutorial on how to start making your own GPS/GSM/GPRS Realtime tracking device which you can use for your robotics and iot projects. Materials / Parts List: 1. Arduino Board 2. Any GPS Module 3. Any GSM/GPRS Module 4. 1x Resistor 1M 5. 1x Resistor 100K 6. 3x Resistor 220 ohm 7. 15uf 25v Capacitor 8. Breadboard / With Wires 9. External Power Supply min., 2Amp Schematics: Source Code: #include "TinyGPS++.h" #include "SoftwareSerial.h" const byte _lBat = 2; const int gpsL = 9; SoftwareSerial gps_SerCon(5, 6); //tx, rx TinyGPSPlus gps; const byte rxPin = 10; // aGPTX const byte txPin = 11; // aGPRX const byte _lSim = 7; SoftwareSerial _aGPR (rxPin, txPin); char _regSimNo[] = "ATD09088638616"; char _smsPush[] = "AT+CMGS=\"09088638616\"\r"; float latThresh = 11.582408;//opyinal float lonThresh = 122.758041;//optinal float locStart = 0.00000...